The A2B module EVM kit provides a platform for initial software development of A2B applications using Clockworks AB0001 A2B module. It’s also a convenient way to quickly add 2 channel audio input and output to an A2B system for testing.
The EVM board does not include the two four pin A2B connectors used on the Clockworks AB0003 module and therefor can not be used with that module.
The A2B module EVM kit is available in two versions. In the A2B slave mode configuration it acts like other slave nodes and you can add up to 10 of them. Development is done with whatever tools you are already using for your master node.
In the A2B master mode version of the EVM, this board sits as the first node in the A2B network. Development is normally done using ADI’s SigmaStudio with the A2B extensions. An ADI USBi or equivalent is used to interface the host system to the EVM.
If you’re new to A2B development you should look over the EVM manual as it discusses in detail the steps. Analog Devices also has quite a bit of documentation on their website for A2B; generally user manuals for any A2B board can be used to understand A2B system development.

The EVM is fully supported by Analog Device’s Sigma Studio tool for A2B (this is obtained directly from Analog Devices). The EVM board as shown operates as a slave node; and A2B system supports multiple slave nodes so multiple EVMs can be added to increase channel count and/or emulate a more complex system.
The master mode EVM looks identical – we add a sticker to help you tell them apart.
The EVM board has an Analog Devices ADAU1761 SigmaDSP, to the host system the EVM looks like the (original) ‘WBZ EVM from Analog Devices. The new ‘WBZ ADI board added PDM microphones and does not have a local power capability. The Clockworks EVM board exposes more of the ADAU1761 analog pins for customer use.
The EVM board, without the A2B module, can be used for SigmaDSP development using Sigma Studio. To do this it must be configured as a master mode board to provide the MCLK signal the ADAU1761 needs.
Clockworks maintains a page on Analog Devices PartnerZone site where you can find further technical information as well as ask general questions about A2B and using Clockworks’ products.
A2B EVM hardware design files (schematic, BOM, gerbers)
SigmaStudio example with A2B EVM as master and slave nodes
A2B is a trademark of Analog Devices Inc.