AnalogBlox external output/connector modules

The AT series output connector modules provide a simple way to interface AnalogBlox and mixed signal DigitalBlox DAC modules’ outputs. System builder can directly mount these boards in to custom designed cases to create finished systems that look and operate like finished product. All output modules offer ESD protection and EMI/RFI filtering. ESD diodes are […]

Single AnalogBlox module carrier

The CC0002 carrier provides a single module position for plugging in an AnalogBlox module. The carrier provides connectors for attaching input and output modules, as well as power supply and host control interfaces. The carrier provides a way to evaluate and test an AnalogBlox module on its own. Another common use case is with the […]

AA0106 Prototyping board

The AA0106 board is a convenient way to prototype custom analog circuits. Its unique stacking design allows stacking as many boards as needed to support the standard SignalBlox slice of 8 channels. The board provides a 0.1″ (2.54mm) grid of holes with a convenient pattern for prototyping op-amp circuits. It has two 34 pin connectors […]

AnalogBlox products

AnalogBlox modules can be used as front or back end modules to DigitalBlox modules, or can be combined to create analog only processing systems. Modules are designed to handle 8 input and output channels. AnalogBlox modules can be used as part of a SignalBlox system, or standalone in a custom system design. AnalogBlox modules have […]