The A2B microphone array provides A2B developers with a quick and easy way to start system software development without needing final hardware. As with other A2B hardware multiple boards can be added to a system, up to the A2B bandwidth (32 channels) and node (10 slaves) limits.
Microphone arrays are typically required for products with speech recognition features. Different algorithms can be used for beam steering and background noise removal to provide clean audio for the speech recognition input.

The microphone board is separate from the rest of the electronics, allowing different microphone configurations to be quickly developed without the complexity of designing all of the system hardware.
For companies with limited design staff bandwidth Clockwork’s offers fixed price quick turn options to create a microphone array meeting the specific system microphone count and geometry needs.
Analog Device’s SHARC Audio Module can be used as the A2B master node, providing a substantial DSP platform for application development. Supported by tools like DSPConcept’s Audio Weaver further reduces development risk with custom speech and audio processing application development.
The standard development kit microphone board includes 8 RGB LEDs so that visual feedback can be provided during initial development.
The PDM to I2S board that mates to the microphone board is based on Analog Device’s ADAU7118 converter IC. The I2S to A2B conversion uses Clockworks’ A2B module, which is based on Analog Devices’ AD2428W. The eight microphones are arranged in a 90mm equally spaced circle. The mics are Infineon IM69D130 which offer a low noise floor, good dynamic range, and a -3 dB point of 30 Hz for applications that need extended low frequency response.
8 channel A2B microphone array datasheet
Hardware design files (AB0100 and AB0200)
STEP files for each board, and Gerbers for Mic board