Clockworks’ A2B AB0371 module offers developers a simple way to develop A2B products by using the Clockworks AB0371 to handle the A2B interface. Typically the Clockworks’ A2B module is used with ADC or DAC boards, but can also be used with things like class D amplifier devices with direct I2S input or digital microphones with I2S output.
Compared with the AB0331 module, the AB0371 relies on the host motherboard to provide the physical A2B connection, possibly including some portions of the bus power system. This allows for products that use a vendor specific connector or need to implement a specialized bus power scheme. The AB0371 module can also be used to make the ADI CFG4 2 wire, XLR, and RJ-45 bus power implementations.

The module uses the latest generation ADI transceiver, the AD2437. The AD2437 supports a number of enhancements over the AD2428 device: Longer distance between nodes (30m between nodes, 300m total length) and up to 16 nodes. The AD2437 also supports what ADI refers to as CFG4 power, which support up to 24V at up to 2 amps total.
The module can operate as a root (controller) or client (peripheral) node device. It requires external power, i.e. it is not a phantom powered node. It can provide bus power to the carrier which in turn can repower the board.
While I2S is mostly used for audio data, the actual data carried can be anything that fits the bit depth (16, 24, or 32) and rates (44.1, 48, 96 kHz) that A2B supports.
Since this board is intended to plug in to a user defined board there is not a standard development kit; in many cases the AB0331 based EVM system can be used.
Instead of a User Manual the board schematics have been provided below for reference. The design can be used with standard CFG4 power over 2 wires, 3 wires (XLR), or 8 wires (RJ-45). It also can be used with custom power schemes to address specific requirements.
Regardless of the specific power scheme used consideration must be given to system grounding between sub-nodes. Clockworks offers a line of A2B isolaters that provide galvanic isolation between sub nodes for cases where the potentially floating grounds of sub-nodes can be isolated.
Custom designs available
Clockworks offers a quick turn custom design service for versions of the module based on specific customer requirements for form factor, bus power, and connectors. The other AD243x variants can be used: AD2431, AD2432, and AD2435. The AD2433 uses the CFG0 power system and a custom module based on that part would be based on the Clockwork’s AB0003 module. The AD2430 and AD2438 devices are intended for point to point use but otherwise can be designed in to a system in the same way as the AD2437 featured here.
Clockworks has designed custom AD2437 modules with galvanic isolation features built in, our experience with actual system implementation can help de-risk your own design activities.
Typically the deliverables for a custom design include the design database (Altium), board samples, and a test fixture. Typically performed with a fixed engineering NRE with delivery of sample boards in 6 to 8 weeks, there’s no faster way to get your A2B up and running.
A2B AD2437 based OEM module datasheet
A2B AD2437 based OEM module schematic
A2B AD2437 based OEM module 3D drawing
A2B AD2437 based OEM module STEP file
For discount pricing please contact Clockworks as the online store is intended for small quantity orders. Clockworks can supply fully tested AB0371 modules or customized versions in small quantities through thousands of modules per delivery.
A2B is a trademark of Analog Devices Inc.